Prior to the introduction of the GDPR which was introduced by the European Union in March 2019, the team at Migration Manager were steadily preparing for its introduction due to-the-fact that many of our clients have dealings with European residents, including the collection and storage of sensitive personal information.
The General Data Protection Regulation sets rules for transparent and secure handling of personal data which in turn means that your organisation must fulfil the regulatory requirements. If you are using software in your organisation, it means that your solution must meet the principles of data protection set out in in the GDPR in keeping with the new regulations.
Nearly all software has become a ‘data processor’ which means you need to ensure it handles data in a compliant manner - which Migration Manager does. It may well be the case that your organisation as a ‘data controller’, meets the GDPR requirements but your software doesn’t. If this is the case, your software could be the fundamental flaw in your efforts to be considered ‘GDPR compliant’.
Additional to our existing security, in-order-to meet our obligations and privacy, (and to help you meet yours), please see the link below for further information on how Migration Manager has been configured to fulfil the regulatory requirements of EU GDPR.